Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Brief Summary of Covenant with God

Abraham is born in the Chaldean City of Ur, Mesopotamia, to Terah, his father. He married his half sister Sarai/Sarah. Along with his brother Haran’s son Lot an his followers, Abraham, his wife and his followers set for the land of Canaan. God called abraham to go to “the land I will show you” and promises to bless him. Driven by famine, he sets of for egypt to take refuge in their. Given his wife’s beauty, he is afraid that he might be waylaid for her sake. So he passes her of as his sister and introduces her as such to the Pharoah of Egypt. That does not save her from being appropriated by the pahroah. Yahweh intervenes and warns pharoah as a result of which sarai is left free. After that Abraham and sarai leave egypt and return to Ai.

There trouble breaks between his herdsmen and those of his nephew Lot. Abraham and lot then split away. Lot is given the first choice of destination. He prefers the fertile land lying east of the Jordan River, while Abram moves to the oaks of Mamre in Hebron. After a few years, Lot and his herdsmen are taken prisoners by Chedorlaomer who was warring against the kings of Sodom and the neighboring places. Abraham then goes with his followers in toe and conquers Chedorlaomer and then sets his nephew free. However ultimately after some years, the enormous sins of the the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah forces God to destroy them. Only Lot and his two daughters survive from the disaster.

God then blesses Abraham and promises that his seed would be innumerable. However Sarai continues to be infertile. Sarai then gives her egyptian handmaid Hagar to Abraham as his wife who then conceives Ishmael. However Sarai in unable to bear the sight of Hagar with child as it reminded her of her own barrenness. She deals harshly with hagar and forces to her to flee. God hears Hagar’s sorrow and promises her that her descendants would be too numerous to count.

God makes covenant with Abraham, thirteen years after the birth of Ishmael when Abraham is 99 years old. In Return for sole recognition of YHWH as supreme universal deity and authority, Abraham will be blessed with innumerable progeny.

God renews his promise of a son to Abraham(Though Ishmael is born to Abraham, only his son through Sarah would be his true heir). This makes Sarah laugh as she is already too old to conceive. However true to the promise of God, Issac is born to them. After the birth of Issac, God commands Abraham to take Issac to the land of Mount Moriah and sacrifice him there. After three days of travel to Mount Moriah, Abraham and issac reach there. They then go to the top of the mount. As commanded by God, Abraham prepares to sacrifice Issac there and issac obeys his father without a word in a whatever he does without asking any questions. At the last minute he is prevented by an angel from doing so. God becomes pleased with Abraham and promises to multiply his seed to an innumerable extent with abundant prosperity.

Sarah dies at the age of 127.

Abraham later sends his steward eliezer to Mesopotomia to get a bride for Issac and he returns with Rebecca (her character expand). Abraham lived long after these events. He was 137 when sarai died. And at that age, while in bad health, he takes another wife, a concubine by name Keturah. Through her he fathers six children by names Zimran, Zokshan, Medan, Nidian, Ishbak, Shuah. He finally died at the age of 175 years. As per some legends, he was meant to live upto 180 years but God purposefull had taken him away so that he need to see the wicked acts of his grandson Easu.

After 20 years of marriage of Issac and Rebecca, when Issac is 60, Easu and Jacob are born to them. They were twins. Both were fighting together inside the womb. (God’s comment). Easu was the first one to come out of his mother’s womb and Jacob came out next grasping Easu’s heel. It was as if Jacob was holding Easu back from being first born so that he could claim the abrahamic glory for himself. Easu being firstborn had the first right to abrahamic legacy. Esau was an able bodied ruddy hunter while Jacob is reserved person who “Dwelled in tents”. This is intended to point to the studiousness of Jacob and to his wisdom.

One day Esau returns from the field, faint in hunger. Siezing the opportuniry, Jacob sells him some lentil soup in exchange for Easu’s birth right as the elder brother. Esau gives up his birth right for some lentil soup because without the soup he was anyway going to die, he was feeling so bad from hunger and exhaustion. As per legends, Esau had committed all three cardinal sins, Murder, adultery and Idolatry which is why he was so tired that day.

When Issac is aged and blind, he decides to bless his eldest son Easu before he died. (This blessing is interpreted as prophetic blessing meaning, the one who is blessed by issac becomes the patriarch of Abrahaic legacy). He calls Easu, asks him to hunt down some meat and prepare him a meal so that he could bless him. Accordingly, Easu goes out to hunt. Rebeccah overhears this exchange and immediately summons her younger son Jacob who is her favorite and asks him to fetch her two goats so that she could prepare a tasty meal for his father. Easu is hariy skinned while Jacob is not. So after preparing the meal, rebeccah places hairy goatskins over his arms and neck and sends him inside along with the meal. Issac gets suspicious on how quickly his son had returned. He asks him as to who he is? Jacob replies that he is Esau. Issac feels for his sons arms and neck and gets convinced to some extent. Though the voice looks like that of Jacob, the arms are that of Esau. He anyway completes the meal and blesses his son. After a while Esau returns and finds himself cheated and vows to take revenge on Jacob. Rebeccah learns of his murderous intentions and sends Jacob to far away place to the house of her brother Laban. There Jacob marries Laban’s two daughters Leah an Rachel. After the rage of Esau is subsided, he comes back to his father’s place after a few years. On his way back, god appears as an angel and blesses him with the name of Israel. He has twelve children who becomes the fathers of twelve tribes of Israel. Through them, Jacob is the father and patriarch of all Israelites.